Singapore Keywords


-This screenshot gives us an idea about how clicks on keywords with Singapore words and near me words are increased significantly in July compared to June month.

-Apart from clicks impressions are increased in the July month as well

In May 2021, we saw that we were not ranking for any of the local keywords, especially those with ‘singapore’ in it. We were potentially losing hundreds of clicks every month.

The Campaign: To target local keywords and improve our rankings.

In June 2021, we started editing for local keywords, beginning with all local keywords like direction to the clinics and ‘singapore’ keywords.

We created a dental ‘Singapore’ tab to track the local keywords we are targeting; Info can be found in this sheet (Nuffield Dental Tracking)
Column F = Keywords we begin tracking in May 2021.
Column J = Respective position rankings in F


The result in 2 months?
Nearly all our Singapore keywords start ranking.

This can be found in column K and L of the Dental ‘Singapore’ tab (Nuffield Dental Tracking)

Green = A significant improvement in position (>-2)
Red = A decline improvement in position (>+2)
White/Nofill = Minimal fluctuation (+/-2). We do not consider this an improvement or decline as it is normal to expect fluctuations in keywords. Google is constantly experimenting with the SERPs results.

In June (Column K) we gained substantial ground, starting to rank in the top 100.
In July (We tracked on 2nd Aug), 20 out of 25 of our Singapore keywords started ranking on the first page!

With a significant amount of Singapore keywords ranking, we checked how many extra clicks did they bring in.

In May, we had a total of X clicks

In July (2nd Aug), we had a total of Y clicks

That’s an increase of z clicks

Finally, we noticed something else, that our number of organic clicks more than doubled in the month of July, from 3.5k monthly clicks to 7.5k monthly clicks.

We gain rankings for 3 new keywords, namely

KeywordPosition (June)Position (July)Change
Dentist sg91270
Dentist singapore111189
Dentist near me10817
KeywordClicks (June)Clicks (July)Change
Dentist sg127111270
Dentist singapore119121189
Dentist near me8269817

In this campaign, not only did we manage to rank for individual service pages, we were able to rank for main dentist keywords which allow us to double our clicks.

I suspect Google is simply testing us, and it will take a couple of months to sustain this.